There are an estimated 40.3 million people in the world today who are caught in the web of modern slavery. In the US alone, The Global Slavery Index reports that there may be up to 40,000 people trapped in modern bondage.
Slavery does not look like it did in 1619 — it is much more insidious. In 2019, modern slavery can occur when workers are abused by their bosses and forced to work; when vulnerable women are forced into prostitution; when young girls are married off to older men. The characteristic shared by both 2019 and 1619 slavery, is exploitation. People caught in slavery have their lives exploited and controlled by someone more powerful than them.
Foreigners are often caught up in human trafficking when they are lured by the promise of a green card, smuggled into the US, and then forced to work for little to no compensation. Workers endure terrible conditions, long hours, and little to no wages. They are isolated by the language barrier and illegal immigration status.
Sex trafficking is another form of modern slavery. According to Polaris Project, sex trafficking occurs when men and women, boys and girls, are forced, coerced, or bribed into commercial sex acts against their will. This can occur when romantic partners force prostitution or when women are lured by false job prospects like modeling or dancing. Vulnerable populations like runaway and homeless youth are often targeted by sex traffickers.
Our Community Partner CAST LA — the Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking LA — educates the public about human trafficking and modern slavery. There are some common venues and industries were people are trafficked, either for labor or for sex. The victims of labor trafficking are often found in these industries/places:
The victims of sex trafficking are often found in these industries/places:
According to CAST LA, Los Angeles is a top point of entry for trafficking victims into the US because of its proximity to an international border and the sprawling, diverse communities that make it difficult for law enforcement to track and locate victims.
First, educate yourself, your family, and your friends about the signs of modern slavery. Not every person who is trafficked is in the same situation, so not all of these signs will apply to every case. Here is a list of signs CAST LA have put together that can indicate someone is a victim of human trafficking.
Second, get involved supporting CASTA LA by volunteering, donating, or advocating on behalf of victims. CAST LA has served 1,136 survivors and their families in the last year alone, donating $2.5 million worth of pro-bono legal services and answering a 15% increase in hotline calls.
You can donate either monetary assistance or items on their “wish list” that provide survivors and the CAST Shelter with needed supplies. There is also a great need for volunteers to help the CAST LA office run. Use your specialized skills as a volunteer attorney, law clerk, graphic designer, or receptionist.