OneLifeLA and the Office of Vocations for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles will host a Holy Hour on January 22 at 7PM. We invite everyone to spend time with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament in preparation for OneLife LA, to offer prayer for the dignity of all human life. To remind ourselves of the love that God has for us. To inspire and act on our longing to unite ourselves to God in his most holy will that promotes the joy of life. We invite you to be the message and share the Joy of Life!
Our Holy Hour livestream will begin at 7pm from St. Anthony's Catholic Church in Gardena, CA.
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If you are not able to join our livestream, we encourage to join us in reciting the #OneLifeLA prayer below.
God our Father,
You create everyone in Your image and likeness,
to share Your love as Your sons and daughters.
Help us to see Your face
in the faces of the poor and the vulnerable
the forgotten and the voiceless.
Bless us as we seek to build a culture of life,
through our OneLife LA celebration.
Keep us close to our Blessed Mother Mary, as we
strive to promote the dignity of all human life
from conception to natural death.
-Most Reverend José H. Gomez, Archbishop of Los Angeles
Dios Padre nuestro,
Tú que creaste a todos a tu imagen y semejanza,
para compartir tu amor como hijos e hijas.
Ayúdanos a ver tu rostro
en los rostros de los pobres y vulnerables,
de los olvidados y de aquellos que no tienen voz.
Bendícenos en nuestros esfuerzos por construir una cultura de vida,
a través de nuestra celebración UnaVida LA.
Mantennos cerca de nuestra Santísima Madre María,
mientras trabajamos por promover la dignidad de toda vida humana
desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural.
- Monseñor José H. Gomez, Arzobispo de Los Angeles