We believe that every person has the ability to make great changes if they go out and find a way to volunteer. OneLife LA celebrates the beauty and dignity of every human life which is why we work with Community Partners year-round! Our incredible Community Partners bring so much life and dignity to our community by working with vulnerable people. Partnering with these partners year-round allows them to make the greatest impact in our communities. And they are always in need of more volunteers!
Find organizations feeding the homeless; assisting foster children, providing resources to pregnant moms in need; helping families with incarcerated loved ones; serving the elderly, disabled, and dying; offering aid to human trafficking survivors and so many more! There is a way that everyone can help those in need in our communities!
Make your New Year’s Resolution about volunteering. If we all work together, we can combine our efforts to make a huge impact on all of Southern California. Volunteering not only helps people but it also feels great! Connect with a community of volunteers impacting the lives of the vulnerable in your area.
The best way to figure out HOW to volunteer is by registering for OneLife LA. At the family-friendly OneLife LA event, we will celebrate the beauty and dignity of every human life! We will walk from La Placita/Olvera Street to the LA State Historic Park. Once there, you have the opportunity to listen to our inspiring speakers, have fun with great music, enjoy the food trucks and connect with all of our Community Partners.
So make sure that at the beginning of the new year, you start it off right!